
This is an evolution of the Gap and Panic setup covered in quarters past. I’ve made a good deal on this trend, and the key here is patience. The general rule is to wait for the first green day to tell us the trend is changing, buy near the end of the day to minimize risk, wait some more, then take your profits. If you aren’t familiar with charts on the Thinkorswim platform, the blue light bulb icon signifies the day in which earnings were announced.

VJET daily.png
VJET 10 day.png
QTWW daily.png
QNST daily.png
IMGN daily.png
CHGG daily.png
CGA daily.png
BLRX daily.png
AMRS daily.png
AKS daily.png


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Understanding the Post Earnings Announcement Drift with Examples

By now we’re all familiar with a stock’s ability to generate abnormal returns in the penny stock niche. If you have been following my blog or trades over the past few years, you know my earnings strategy was derived from lessons learned... Continue →